VTO Center


When you transcribe and tag Dream Banners you help kids match their dreams with others' all around the world. And you can send your own personal encouragement to the dreamer.
Let's go!

Dream Match Maker Tutorial

Complete the work for each Dream Banner below, click SUBMIT, then move on to the next.



If you click the URL you'll see a bigger version of the Banner in our gallery.
Line breaks are any place the text stops and starts again. Also, please copy words exactly as they are including any misspellings! This is student work. Also it's OK to guess at a word if you're not sure.
Be sure to consider the IMAGES as well as the words before you make your category choices.
If you click the URL you'll see a bigger version of the Banner in our gallery.
Line breaks are any place the text stops and starts again. Also, please copy words exactly as they are including any misspellings! This is student work. Also it's OK to guess at a word if you're not sure.
Be sure to consider the IMAGES as well as the words before you make your category choices.
If you click the URL you'll see a bigger version of the Banner in our gallery.
Line breaks are any place the text stops and starts again. Also, please copy words exactly as they are including any misspellings! This is student work. Also it's OK to guess at a word if you're not sure.
Be sure to consider the IMAGES as well as the words before you make your category choices.
If you click the URL you'll see a bigger version of the Banner in our gallery.
Line breaks are any place the text stops and starts again. Also, please copy words exactly as they are including any misspellings! This is student work. Also it's OK to guess at a word if you're not sure.
Be sure to consider the IMAGES as well as the words before you make your category choices.
If you click the URL you'll see a bigger version of the Banner in our gallery.
Line breaks are any place the text stops and starts again. Also, please copy words exactly as they are including any misspellings! This is student work. Also it's OK to guess at a word if you're not sure.
Be sure to consider the IMAGES as well as the words before you make your category choices.

You completed your set!I